Trying To Stay Positive

Well, this week was, in a word, a total clusterfuck.  Sometime around Tuesday I lost all my willpower when the third–yes, third–birthday was celebrated and cake was passed around.  I limited myself to one slice, or that’s what I tried to tell myself as I gobbled down the diabetic disaster the size of Texas.  It was so good and, after that, all bets were off.

Cookies were the name of the game on Wednesday; I told myself I could spread the container over the next week.  30 minutes later, they were gone.  Note to self:  don’t shop hungry!

Thursday was all about pizza – friends came over and wanted to order in.  I said I’d just have a sandwich but once the cheese smell filled my nostrils it was the end.   Note to self:  cook for friends next time they come over.

Friday was an attempt at a recovery that failed miserably when I was given a sample of fudge; so good.

Today it’s back on the wagon, for real this time.  I had a simple breakfast of bread and cheese (controlled portions), I’m going to have a chicken salad for lunch, and I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner (calories already counted).

It’s a miracle I didn’t gain this week – somehow my body managed a maintain (so same weight as last week) and I don’t intend to waste it.